Adjustable Advanced Tufted Corner Sectional L-shape Sofa

Adjustable Advanced Tufted Corner Sectional L-shape Sofa

Price: $6,971  SALE  $3,868

Date Added: 02/25/2017 by Monica V.
After many hours spent visiting different show rooms from the cheap to the ritzy and not feeling great about any of the options we saw for the prices (or the opposite, i think cheap furniture is a bad idea), we by accident found PrimeClassicDesign omnline and that piqued my interest.

After some deliberation, we decided we wanted a sofa and had found a base "model" that we liked. We picked the leather, customized a chaise lounge to go with it, customized the cushion slightly, and paid for it. The price was very reasonable and included shipping and taxes.

They use alder wood in their furniture, which may not be a high-end hardwood (like maple) but is at least a hardwood instead of that heavy industrial compressed particle board some faceless corporate furniture companies like to use (it's heavy so it feels "solid").

The sofa - the product - is great. Time is the true test of furniture but as it stands it's 100? what we ordered, it's comfortable, and sturdy.
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